Since 2020, I have been inspiring thousands of minorities and aspiring technologists in Southeast Asia and beyond to pursue tech careers!

I started my coding journey just before entering university - writing HTML code to add plugins and images into my Tumblr blog.

However, nothing prepared me for studying at the Singapore University of Technology and Design as a first-generation university student from a minority race.

I had struggled with impostor syndrome and felt outclassed by my schoolmates who learned coding much earlier than me. I also felt out of place as one of the few minorities in many tech career spaces.

Inspired by other female people of colour on social media who are sharing their tech journey, I created Ain Loves Code in mid-2019.

By sharing my journey as a software developer and then-Information Systems undergraduate, I connected with thousands all over the world - minorities in tech, career switchers, and many other technologists.

It took me years to find the confidence and bravery to take charge of my career journey, and I eventually landed my first and current job the year before I graduated. Now I inspire thousands of people to code and break into tech through my social media handle @AinLovesCode

Let's create together

Let's create together